On the line with Sam Power

Production Design 
Set Build in Studio

We were commissioned to create the overall design for a satirical TV show set in modern-day Ireland, which was inspired by the 1970s and talk shows.
By using cardboard and a laser cutter, I created the skyline of an imaginative world in which light shines through each window to create a backdrop for the host. We transformed existing furniture pieces to look more appropriate by using a wood painting technique and a couch throw. We also produced a rounded sign and a working fortune "wheel" for the show.

Despite being a project carried out in conjunction with the NFS TV students, it was a project outside of college for us. The entire project was built and assembled in four days.

Production Design: Lily Nager and Jess Sammon
Modelmaking: Katelyn O’Connor 
Filmed by the National film School TV Course